Sea of Love is a new project inspired by a residency this summer at Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Gothenburg and a collaboration with Christin Appleqvist, Head of Public Engagement at Tjärnö Aquarium and marine scientist Alexandra Kinnby, who investigates how climate change affects the seaweed belts in the waters of Kosterhavet. In her research, Kinnby delves deep into the inner structures of the bladderwrack to show how they are affected by increasingly acidified seawater. The nature printing method I work with was used historically to depict algae and can create images which reveal even the finest inner structure of specimens. During my stay I collected, pressed and dried seaweed specimen which will be used for taking lead impressions which in turn will be made into copper printing plates.
The stay at Tjärnö was also an opportunity to glean inspiration from the beautiful setting and the passionate pursuits of the staff there who sail, dive and survey the coast line for shells, ship worms and other marine plants and animals, in the pursuit of knowledge.
The idyllic setting of Tjärnö Marine Laboratory (housed in the red cottages) in Bohuslän, Sweden.
Marine Scientist, Alexandra Kinnby
Christin Appleqvist, Head of Public Engagement at the Aquarium, Tjärnö Marine Laboratory, University of Sweden.
Saltö, Bohuslän, Sweden. The Kosterhavet National Park covers 400 square kilometres and has a unique marine and archipelago environment.